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The Fallacy of Original Sin

Does the doctrine of original sin really mean that

I'm guilty for what Adam did?


The fundamental flaw within the "sinful nature" doctrine lies in the failure
 to recognize the true architect of our formation in the womb. Would God,
who  does not tempt us to sin, design us with a nature inherently
tainted by sin or incapable of avoiding it?

The erroneous belief at the core of this issue concerning original sin, spawns numerous incorrect teachings prevalent in many contemporary churches. The concept of original sin gives rise to the ideas of predestination, the transfer of moral responsibility, forgiveness in advance for future sins, a restricted scope of atonement, an overpowering divine grace, and everlasting security in one's salvation. All of these elements collectively hinder an individual's ability to genuinely turn to God, engage in true repentance for their wrongdoings, and experience purification through the redemptive power of Christ, facilitated by a faith that expresses itself through love.


The entire deception hinges on the concept of Original Sin. If this notion can be completely dispelled or proven to be non-existent, the entire system crumbles. Countless souls, perhaps numbering in the billions, have staked their eternal fate on this misconception, approaching God while still in their sins. Whole generations have passed with a firm belief in it. Wars have erupted, and nations have perished due to it. It stands as the pinnacle of all erroneous doctrines, and those who support it are willing to go to great lengths to safeguard it and to silence anyone who challenges it. It is Satan's ultimate creation, his Masterpiece!

Please take the time to read the following before continuing with this webpage:


Supposed Proof-texts for the doctrine of original sin.

Are Babies Born in Sin?

Augustine and Original Sin

Babies Choosing Good Over Evil

Babies: Those "Awful" Creatures

Can a Christian Live Without Sin?

Everything Happens For A Reason?

 If Babies....  (Important questions to ask)

Fallacies of the Present-Day Church

God's Word Does Not Teach Generational Curses

Greek Philosophy in the Church

Have You Resisted Unto the Shedding of Blood, Striving Against Sin?
(Heb. 12)

Is God Really In Control of Everything?

Mother of David

News Paper (My home town paper)

Over 100 Texts to Show Original Sin is Unbiblical and False

Paul Struggling With a Sinful Nature?

Nature Explained

Pleading the Blood of Jesus?

Sin Crouching At the Door?

7 Most Twisted Scripture Groups for Sin (by Matt Sacra)

Spiritual Or Physical Death?  (Rom. 5:12)

Temptation: The Ocassion to All Sin

The Excuses of Sins

The False Theory of Generational Curses

The Pleagian "Boogie Man"

The Sins of the Father

The Theological Ramifications of Original Sin and Free Will

Trying to Improve the Old Man

Was David a Sinner at Birth?

Who is the Old Man and the New Man?


So You Don't Sin Anymore?  (By Matt Sacra)

Sinless Perfection: Why I Don't Believe it or Teach it (Matt Sacra)

See this video.  It explains how Original Sins
begins with Augustine  


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