Front Page News!

I was reading the paper today (Jan. 6, 2008) and here is what I found on the front page of the Florida News Journal. Pay close attention to what I have in bold.


            For Beau McDaniels and many other gay and lesbian Floridians, the political
            battles about same-sex marriage are about people's right. "It's not like we
            have a choice," said McDaniels, pastor of Hope Metropolitan Community
            Church in Daytona Beach. "We were born with it. It's in our DNA."

My former pastor from the Independent Baptist Church once conveyed a similar message, stating that we are all born into a state of sin with corrupted DNA. Furthermore, I recently heard a preacher on a Christian radio station assert that each of us is born with inclinations towards various sinful behaviors such as drunkenness or homosexuality, and that some merely abstain from acting on these tendencies. This approach conveniently shifts the burden of responsibility away from acknowledging our own sinful choices, allowing us to ease our conscience by attributing our behavior to external factors. In this case, it allows us to lay the blame for sinful actions on our sinful inherent nature. So, the next time anyone finds themselves involved in behaviors like fornication, adultery, drunkenness, or same-sex relationships, remember that some argue it's not a matter of choice, but rather something you were born with.

This is the prevailing belief within the majority of Christendom, regardless of denomination. Numerous pastors occupy the pulpit on Sundays, propagating this doctrine that lacks biblical foundation to their congregations. Similarly, some authors write commentaries expounding on this belief for the same complacent Christian audience, who then pass it on to both new believers and individuals who do not identify as Christians.

I pray that Christians would search the Scriptures for themselves and let the Holy Spirit guide them into all truth. As for myself? I have come to renounce this doctrine.

The teaching is not Biblical. Sin is not a physical issue, it's a moral issue.