
Most of us, whether Christian or non Christian, have been programmed to accept the consensus that since we have not been educated on theological issues, we, therefore, lack the professional expertise and accreditation of those whom we depend upon for scriptural and doctrinal understanding through numerous interpretations. Such leaves the common person at somewhat of a disadvantage, but should not be necessarily so. The underlying truth lies in the fact that churched via their myriad of doctrines staunchly resist being challenged. Unfortunately, this is the hallmark of those who own the "platform" so to speak.

In this book, you will discover that the majority of teachings held today by mainstream Christianity actually oppose the biblical truth. This book will take you on an "enlightened" journey covering several major topics of interest and hopefully will seize your attention and encourage you to investigate the scriptures for yourselves. May this book challenge you to further examine the topics I present to you.

The first to put forth his case seems right, until someone
else steps forward and cross-examines him. (Prov. 18:17)

Sandra J. Hooper

Unless otherwise noted, all scriptures are from translations that are part of the public domain. Please note: Although the author may mention other authors and online references, it should not be assumed that there is complete alignment with the perspectives of those authors in all aspects of doctrine.

Copyright © 2016 by Sandra J. Hooper
ISBN-13: 978-1540894243
ISBN-10: 154089424X


To my husband Tom, my two daughters Tami Jean and Danielle Marie, and my two sons Thomas Lloyd Jr., and William James. If there's one thing I can pass on to them, it would be this book, containing all that I've accumulated in knowledge and cherished in my heart over the years. I hope it becomes just as dear to them, fostering a closer relationship with our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus the Messiah, through an appreciation of the fundamental truths found in Scripture that facilitate this connection. My wish is for them to share these insights with their own children and friends, perpetuating the journey of faith and understanding.

Moreover, this is for anyone seeking truth amidst the many confusing messages preached by religious leaders and TV evangelists from organized religions


First, and foremost, God gets all the glory. The God and Father of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah, who reveals the Father to us that we may get to know and understand Him; a Father who can inspire others to share the gospel to those who are willing to listen, not only with their ears but with their hearts as well.

For this reason, I would like to thank all those brothers and sisters who have crossed my path whether directly or indirectly, and have shared the gospel with me and open my eyes to the truth. Especially people like Anthony Buzzard, Greg Deuble, Raymond C. Faircloth, Dan Gill, Joel Hemphill, and many others, especially Ramon Carroll, who challenged me to rethink the trinity position.

I also want to thank Priscilla Jervey who kept encouraging me to write this book. Without her nagging me (and I say that affectionately), this book would not exist where I can share all that I have learned after leaving organized religion in search for truth that I could grasp and understand without defying common sense.


Why I wrote this book.

I'm writing this book to connect with ordinary folks like you and me. It's for those who don't have the same platform as the pulpit preachers and TV personalities who often dictate our thoughts and beliefs. This book is for the everyday person who may not have formal training in Greek or Hebrew or fancy titles from colleges. Think of it as a friendly conversation, as if you were sitting right next to me, in plain language that we all understand.

I aim to convey the lessons I've gathered from listening to preachers in churches and from Sunday school teachers, whom I initially believed were imparting the truth. Additionally, I want to alert you to the potential challenges you might encounter if you choose to question the traditional teachings that have endured for centuries.

This book will be mainly about the trinity teaching and other topics of interest that are so widely accepted without further investigation as to whether they are true or not. (Acts 7:11)

As we occupy our seats in the church, both on Sundays and Wednesdays, do we ever pause to question whether we are truly gaining a deep understanding of Scripture? Have we ever contemplated the possibility that we might be influenced by the teacher's personal biases and their particular brand of theology? I'm not claiming to possess all-encompassing knowledge, but I have acquired sufficient understanding to establish the foundational principles of my faith, untainted by the biases of others or those who assert authority over one's ability to independently think and make decisions.

As you go through this book, you'll gradually realize that, much like myself, you've been influenced by Platonism, Hellenism, and Greek mythology instead of grasping Hebraic theology. If these terms are unfamiliar to you, don't fret; their significance will become clear as you continue reading.

Many Christians tend to overlook the responsibility of examining the teachings they receive because we often assume that others are more knowledgeable. We are swayed by those in positions of authority, believing that we may not possess the intellect to understand the scriptures on our own and should rely on clergy to interpret them for us. Furthermore, if we dare to disagree, we are criticized for challenging the authority of the clergy, and it's suggested that we are going against God Himself, who supposedly appointed these individuals as authorities. It's a daunting prospect. However, there's no need to be afraid of human judgment and threats of punishment or exclusion if we decide to exercise our God-given capacity to apply common sense and reasoning while cherishing the truths we discover in the scriptures. These scriptures were not meant solely for the clergy; they are intended for ordinary people like you and me to help us develop a deeper understanding of God's truths.

The Following Are Each Chapters
Taken from My Book, "Can
We Handle the Truth?"

What Have We Learned? (Chapter 1)

Elohim: What Does It All Mean? (Chapter 2)

Echad: Does This Mean God Is A Compound Unity? (Chapter 3)

Expect Persecution (Chapter 4)

Jesus Has a Genesis (Chapter 5)

Literal Pre-existence? (Chapter 6)

Incarnation (Chapter 7)

Has Anyone Ever Seen God: (Chapter 8)

Words That Don't Mean A Thing (Chapter 9)

Other Various trinitarian "Proof Texts" (Chapter 10)

Who Is The Holy Spirit? (Chapter 11)

What A Difference A Word Makes (Chapter 12)

The Holy Spirit Did Not Teach You This (Chapter 13)

Sound Doctrine (Chapter 14)

Original Sin: The Stumbling Block to True Repentence (Chapter 15)

Supposed Proof Texts of Original Sin (Chapter 16)

The Flesh In Itself Is Not Sinful (Chapter 17)

Jesus' Imputer Righteousness? (Chapter 18)

Spiritual or Physical Death (Chapter 19)

It Is Not A Sin To Stop Sinning (Chapter 20)

The Flaws of Substitution Theories (Chapter 21)

The Death of Christ (Chapter 22)

Have You Resisted Unto Blood, Striving Against Sin? (Chapter 23)

Is God In Control and Everything Happens for A Reason? (Chapter 24)

But For The Grace of God Go I (Chapter 25)

The Christian Hope Is Not Going To Heaven (Chapter 26)

The Myth of An Immortal Soul (Chapter 27)

Are The Dead Really Dead? (Chapter 28)

God Does Not Torment (Chapter 29)

The Concept of Hell (Chapter 30)

What Is The Gospel? (Chapter 31)

Kingdom of God/Kingdom of Heaven (Chapter 32)

Final Word (Chapter 33)
