Final Word

Just remember, as my friend Priscilla says, “Everyone can have the truth until they are challenged.” This is what I have done with everything I have been taught by pastors and Sunday school teachers. As scripture states:

The first to put forth his case seems right, until someone else steps forward and cross-examines him. (Prov. 18:17)

I hope what you have read in this book has been very helpful to you. I encourage you to read the bible for yourself and check all the topics we covered as I have only scratched the surface, hoping that it gives you enough to think about and the motivation to study further.

I realize I do not have all the answers, and there may be some things that I have written where some of the brethren might disagree. That is okay. But this is my understanding so far from what I have studied. Many times we may get something wrong and someone can point us in the right direction, as I have learned. There is always time for correction, and I realize that in some cases it may take some time for people to come to a sure understanding. I know from personal experience that this has happened to me. There have been many teachings I thought were true, but over time, with diligent study, have come to realize that I had to change my mind of what I once believed. Can it happen again? Sure. We all grow in knowledge; we are not born with it. Do not fret over something you might not understand. There are many places in scripture where I have questions and I just ask God to give me understanding. In time He will.

I am sure most of you will have plenty of questions. I do have a website, which I get numerous emails how people like to use it as a resource for their studies and how many have never given thought to what they have been taught until they have read some articles. 

Please feel free to share and God Bless!