The False Premise
you build from a false premise, the entire program is in error and of
no value. It may indeed serve an outward purpose and offer some
useful advice. BUT if the people participating in the program go in
assuming they are already RIGHT with God, expect for their ‘problem’.
Nothing genuine is going to happen to deliver them from the bondage
of their sin. They will merely end up more deceived than they were
before and further down the road of error.
is why all the so-called Christian programs never work any lasting
results. They offer all kinds of advice and give people an
alternative viewpoint, but they can never solve the root problems
they experience. Suppose an individual is grappling with a
pornography addiction, participates in one of the Promise Keepers
Rallies, follows all the prescribed steps, and commits to improving
and conquering their lust. Inevitably, GUARANTEED, within a week, he
will find himself back online downloading more explicit material.
Why? The fundamental reason is that the rally did not tackle the ROOT
source of the problem. His BONDAGE to sin! FIRST, he has to
realize and face the reality that he is a SLAVE to whom he obeys,
lost and deceived in his sinful lust until he repents and CLEARS
himself of the wrongdoing. Then he can find victory over his flesh.
But as long as the flesh is alive and well, coddled by the program,
promised God loves him and understands, he will REMAIN in
It’s the same with the
alcohol addiction classes, whether sponsored by the church or not.
The person attends addicted, is given advice about coping with his
addiction, adopts the program and REMAINS addicted. Nothing is
solved. As long as he stays in the program and follows the
guidelines, he may be able to abstain for a while. But he remains a
drunk in his heart. Like the porno addiction, he may learn to FEEL
better about himself and accept the fact that he’s hooked for life,
but unless a foundation of repentance
proven by deeds is
established, and he breaks away from the habit, it will NEVER
The premise is wrong from the
start. If the program is Biblical it MUST be based on the principle
that you reap what you sow. That if you sow according to the flesh,
you will of the flesh reap corruption. (Die in your sin and be lost
forever.) But if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the
body, you will live! But this requires the process of
REPENTANCE proven by deeds, NOT advice on how to cope with your sins.
The problem is there’s NO money in preaching the truth to these
people. Many of them would flee and seek greener pastures where they
could have their ears tickled anyway. The few that might remain could
be helped if they do repent, but the chances of them being swallowed
up in the false system afterward are exceptionally high.
There is very LITTLE positive reinforcement of the truth
anywhere today. It’s not likely this type of person will be able to
find a like-minded fellowship that will help keep him in check. Given
all the deception they will face, their lack of understanding as
babes in the woods, and any further association with dysfunctional
family and friends, you have the perfect formula for disaster. The
odds against beating these things are huge and everywhere you turn
the LIE is waiting to ensnare you. Following your repentance and
cleansing, a thorough commitment is needed to actively pursue God.
This entails reading His word, praying, studying, and associating
with genuine believers. There is nothing magic about it. God DOES NOT
magically change your desires from bad to good! You were created with
and possess a free and independent will that can CHOOSE right over
YES, the compulsions of your flesh are
a powerful force. You learned your corrupted behavior by long,
practicing tradition from your youth. BUT the sin (addiction, lust)
IS NOT inbred into your flesh! That’s the biggest lie that has ever
been told and a Pagan teaching from 2,000 years ago! You have a
CHOICE and God expects you to make it. Turn your ears away from the
lying preachers and messed-up programs. You were NOT BORN addicted!!!
The Bible does not teach it. I know the lairs can make it sound as if
it does, but DIG, study, read, the truth is plain and
simple. ‘CLEANSE yourself
of all filthiness and overflow of wickedness and receive with
meekness the implanted WORD that is able to save you!
Amend the evil of your doings, WASH your hearts of wickedness,
and forsake your evil ways. Then and ONLY then will you find victory
over the passions and desires of the flesh. But if you never lift a
finger to escape your lust and depend on some program to give you
purpose in it, it PROVES you really have no desire to escape and you
enjoy the ride! That’s the bottom line, whether you want to admit
it or not. Most people want to wallow and the programs accommodate
them fourfold.
What drives people into these
programs, when the facts show they do not work? It’s the
DESIRE to find a way they can indulge their lusts and NOT feel
condemned. So the Preachers are racking in your money while they keep
you addicted to their program. Once they can convince you that you
were 'born' with
this problem inbred into your flesh or inherited it from Adam, you’re
a cooked goose. Now you have the PERFECT excuse to NEVER change
and the Church will pamper you for the rest of your life. It won’t
be long before you CAN’T change, because you have been given over
to your lusts in a reprobated state. This is another simple
principle taught in the Bible, BUT NOT in your church!
false premise also applies to your Pastor. He approaches the
congregation each week assuming most of them are already saved (since
they responded at one time to an alter call or professed belief) so
he balances his sermon accordingly. He is obligated because of his
false premise to ‘soften’ the
blow (so to speak) and cushion the word of God in such a way that
they can be admonished but not required to live according to the
Bible. It would be better for them to try, but it certainly CAN’T
be mandatory toward the outcome of their salvation. (That’s already
been decided.) Therefore the entire process is aimed at helping them
decide for Christ, if they haven’t already.
Repentance proven by deeds is NOT considered, so the false
premise is locked in place. To the Pastor and everyone in a position
of leadership in the church, salvation is achieved
by ‘repeating’ some
words and trusting in a provision made by Christ. (Which depends on
the doctrinal stance of the church.) If repentance and faith are
mentioned at all, they MUST fit into this method, otherwise, the
premise would dissolve. The Church cannot deviate, they stand on
doctrine, tradition and long practice, not Scripture. (Although they
believe all these are based on Scripture.) If a convert arrives among
them TRULY of the light and indwelled by the spirit of truth, he
would be like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs! He
would be a COMPLETE contrast to the average church convert sitting
destitute in the pews happy in his delusion and promoting the false
premise to his friends and family.
is the reason truth and error cannot mix. That darkness and light
have nothing in common. It’s TWO entirely different spirits at
work. Again, the Biblical principle of fruit-bearing (a good tree
cannot bear bad fruit, neither can a bad tree bear good fruit) is NOT
taught in the Church. Or if it is mentioned at all, it’s blended
into the false premise. It’s normal for a ‘Christian’ to have
BOTH kinds of fruit, to be carnal and spiritual, divided and
double-minded and in service of two masters. Every principle in
Scripture is thus turned around to accommodate this lie. You no
longer reap what you sow, or die spiritually and lost eternally if
you live according to the flesh and not the Spirit. NO ONE is a SLAVE
to whom they obey. Each one of these vital truths (foundational to
salvation) is in REVERSE!
the false premise has rendered the entire Gospel message inoperative
in the Churches. As a result, EVERY ‘Christian’ based
program offered to the people is established on this lie. By taking
part in them, you (if you are indeed of the true light!) risk taking
part in another person's sin. Your VERY presence in the group
condones their methods. Unless you are immediately speaking out and
exposing the premise as false, which would NOT sit well with the rest
of the class. WHY? Mainly because they are of ANOTHER spirit. If they
were of the light (truly) they would have already come into it, that
their deeds can be seen and DONE in God, as the Scripture says. They
WOULD NOT be hiding behind some system of excuses to cover their
wrongdoings and give them ‘Christian’ creditability
to soothe their conscience of accusation.
your very presence among them (assuming you are really of the light)
is an OFFENSE to their hypocrisy. Unless, of course, you are
non-confrontational with anyone and believe deep down they are
doing ‘some
good’ for
the sake of the Kingdom. They believe wholeheartedly
that ‘Christians’ are
the chief of sinners and remain wretched throughout their entire
lives. Hypocrisy is common in the churches and accepted as a
necessary evil. If you tell these people that real Christians have
STOPPED sinning and have been cleared of their wrongdoing in
repentance BEFORE they received the Holy Spirit, you just made
yourself ineligible for their program. You're telling them that all
their addictions (for which they are attending the class in the first
place) should have been taken care of ALREADY! if they were saved.
Essentially you are telling them they are NOT SAVED! This is
anathema in the Church for which you will wear out your welcome very
fast! So the possibility of you (again, if really of light)
completing one of their classes or group meetings, Bible Studies,
etc, and not suddenly becoming a thorn in their sides is
Regardless of how you
analyze it, your agreement signifies compromise. If they walked
away from the event feeling good about your attendance among them,
all smiles and hand-shakes, you have VIOLATED a chief principle of
Scripture and stand accused of God! No matter how morally sound their
instruction may have been presented or how good the advice about
living or raising your kids or coming off addiction. It’s BASED on
means it’s WRONG! NOT partially right, some good and some bad.
Certainly following a more ethical course in life is preferable over
reprobation. Destructive behavior is bad for everyone, family and
friends. BUT the greatest self-improvement is achieved in TRUE
SALVATION through repentance proven by DEEDS, NOT a Purpose Driven
Program founded on LIES. Remember all these supposedly good works
done in the name of God, coupled with all the charitable outreach,
adds up to ZILCH in the eyes of the Lord if done under iniquity. The
people coming to the Lord in Matthew 7:21-23 claiming wonderful works
done in His name had NO CLUE they were disqualified from the Kingdom
already. On earth, they appeared godly and sincere. No one could
accuse them of not caring for the downcast or criticize their efforts
to remedy the problems. But they FAILED to pass the test at
You attending one of these classes,
have you heard anyone ASK this question? Has the issue been raised as
to whether or not this particular method is acceptable to the Lord?
NEVER! Everyone ASSUMES that God approves of everything they are
doing because it LOOKS so good on the surface. Like the passage
states and many of the parables, the offenders are sent away to
weeping and gashing of teeth in unquenchable fire, even bound if
necessary, STILL insisting they DID the will of God on earth when in
reality they served and believed a LIE. WHO are these people? Cult
members? Reprobate drunks and moral outcasts? That’s what the
Church thinks, BUT you know better!
are the wolves in sheep’s clothing and ministers of righteousness
spoken of throughout Scripture, of which the Church KNOWS NOTING
about, because they are sitting under them, following their teachings
and using their materials to Study the Bible. Hence, can ANYONE
within this System truly attain the truth? I fail to see how it could
be feasible, considering the scriptural teachings. If someone
possesses even a modicum of inner longing to step into the light (as
indicated in John 3:19-21) and genuinely comprehend the truth (which
is entirely within the reach of the human intellect!), when presented
with it for the first time, they WILL respond and begin their journey
or quest to discover God.
The false
premise includes the notion that man does not possess the ability or
the willingness to seek God and obey His word unless they are drawn,
chosen, elected, in advance and then coerced in some manner to CHANGE
his desires. (Depending on doctrine.) So it’s all up to God whether
or not you get off your addictions or ever become a better person.
Thus, people are pre-disposed to failure when it comes to finding God
or His truth. They are taught that His word is subject to a thousand
interpretations and that it’s difficult to understand as some
hidden mystery you must accept even if it doesn’t make any logical
sense. This premise translates into a society devoid of personal
responsibility. Ultimately everyone can BLAME God for their failings.
Sin is not really a CHOICE they made, but some kind of inbred
affliction they were born with.
Therefore they have God’s apology in Christ’s provision. DOING
the right thing is not part of the equation, it is just an ATTEMPT to
do it.
They may not say these things in
plain precise language when teaching the principles in their programs
and sermons, BUT the premise remains. And if YOU ask the right
questions and undermine their rhetoric, it will be exposed in glaring
reality. If for no other reason than its of ANOTHER spirit contrary
to God. Certainly, the Scriptures prove them wrong and leave them
wanting desperately of real light. We are commanded to TEST
EVERYTHING by the WORD OF GOD. The first test is self-applied. If
THIS is all hogwash to you and just disgruntled criticism of the
church, you need to SERIOUSLY consider WHAT spirit you are of and
HEED the teaching of Scripture, instead of the false premise.