All Have Sinned?
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Rom. 3:2
is the Stronghold of the Born
in Sin Doctrine.
All mankind at birth are guilty of Adam’s sin and stand condemned
before God. BUT, is this what the writer intended to convey? Massive
evidence reveals clearly that no one in early times believed in any
kind of ‘Original
Sin’ doctrine
or that man could inherit the guilt of another. They believed that
sin is a choice people make of their own free will. So why have ‘all
the entire Bible nowhere states that Adams's sin has been passed down
to all mankind. In fact, it states the VERY opposite: Ezk.18:20, "The
son shall NOT bare the guilt of the father" but
some have injected a fallacy into Rom. 5:12 and insist that ‘all
sinned in Adam’.
By this logic, we must then conclude further that ‘in
Christ’ ALL
are made righteous. (Rom. 5:17-18) If Adam made everyone a sinner,
then Christ has made everyone righteous!
Certainly, no one would agree with such a notion, therefore, to
prevent this Universal Salvation of all mankind, they invented
the Doctrine
of Election.
Therefore ‘all’ means
only the Elect.
So in this instance all doesn’t mean all.
same holds true of such passages as 1Tim. 2:4 and 2Pet. 3:9, ‘God
is not willing nay perish but that ALL come to repentance and be
But again, not all are saved, only the elect.
You begin to see how this fallacy works. Rom. 3:23 encompasses ALL
mankind, not because they have sinned (Rom. 5:12) BUT because Adam
Therefore none are righteous. They must be saved in
their sins, declared
right and covered by grace. The package in a nut shell: Confess,
believe and trust…..and DON’T ask any more questions.
In reality, Romans 3, like Jeremiah 17, is speaking about
rebellious people who have rejected God, NOT desperately wicked
believers or even ALL of mankind! The writer is saying that all these
wicked people are sinners and their only hope is to repent and turn
to God. He is referring to ‘all
who have sinned’,
NOT everyone on earth. Rom. 5:12.
3:10-18 is taken from several Old Testament passages.
The ‘None’ rghteous
is speaking of the folly of godless people rejecting truth. Read the
passages! Psalm 14 and 53 begins: “The
FOOL has said in his heart there is no God." Declaring
there is no just man on earth who does good, Ecc. 7:20 is contrasted
with the just righteous man! Ecc. 7:15. The end of chapter 7
concludes that God made man UPRIGHT, but he has sought out many
Psalm 5 is again contrasting the
righteous with the wicked. Ps. 40, ‘The poison of asps’ is NOT
speaking about all of mankind! But wicked men who pursue the
righteous. Ps. 10 is much the same, speaking of triumph over evil.
The mouth full of curing and deceit is the wicked man boasting
against God. Ps. 36 ‘There is no fear of God before their eyes’
is describing wicked men who despise God. And the Isaiah 59 reference
is CLEARLY the Prophets warning against the overwhelming iniquity of
people wallowing in their sins.
NONE of these
passages is inclusive of ALL mankind! Man is NOT born guilty of
Adams's sin. Righteous people exist and have existed on earth and the
Bible PROVES it! Certainly they are among the very FEW, but we cannot
deny the fact that Scripture declares them right. The parents of John
the Baptist, Zacharias and Elizabeth, Lk. 1:6, are said to be: ‘Both
righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances,
blameless!’ Can
we still call them ‘sinners
saved by grace?’ If
so, where is their transgression recorded?
and Anna also, Lk. 2:25-38 were in service to God and spoke by the
Holy Spirit. CLEAN vessels fit for the master’s use! (2Tim.
2:20-21) Noah, Daniel and Job were delivered from judgment by their
own righteousness! Ezk. 14:14. Enoch walked with God and the Lord
took him, Gen. 5:24. Noah is declared PERFECT in his generation. Gen.
6:9. There is no record of Joseph sinning or Samuel and many
other Prophets. Even Abel obtained witness from God that he was
righteous in his obedience.
In order to
receive this truth you MUST reject your Reformed Theology that
implies by conjecture that all these people were poor helpless
sinners who found grace in the eyes of God
and ‘declared’ righteous in
their sins. However,
you would be opposing the Master Himself who declared in Luke
15:7, ‘that
there is more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents that over
ninety nine JUST persons WHO NEED NO REPENTANCE!’ WHY
would our Lord say this if such people DID not exit? Surly in the
mind of God, He would know all those who DO what is right! (1John
3:7). We understand from the scriptures that God does not listen to
those who live in sin (John 9:31). Thus, we discover that even a
non-Jewish individual, earnestly pursuing a relationship with God, is
described as RIGHTEOUS (Acts 10:2, 22). The condition stands firm (if
you will accept it) ‘Every
Nation whoever fears Him and WORKS righteousness is accepted by
Him!’ (Acts10:35)
WHY is this true? BECAUSE he who DOES what is right is
righteous! (1Jh.3:7) Man is created by God FREE with the ability to
obey or disobey. If he chooses to sin, he receives the penalty of
spiritual death (separation from God). Physical death all
mankind has inherited from Adam, but sin is a personal CHOICE and
once committed demands a wage, (Rom.6:23). You cannot be reconciled
in your sin by merely returning to obedience. You must be ransomed
from the bondage you have sold yourself into and ONLY the blood of
Christ can perform that task! (Heb. 9:14) Restored you can now walk
upright with the Just doing what is right.