True Repentance

Mike Desario is no longer with us, yet he has penned articles addressing the challenges we encounter in today's institutional churches. Unfortunately, he was not around long enough to discuss and reason with him about why the doctrine of the Trinity is false. That said, he did have valuable insights on the matter of repentance. I have revised, included essential elements, and reposted them to enhance reader comprehension.   

Feel free to revisit as I continue to expand this section. It may require some time to thoroughly examine the presented Biblical truths. But FIRST:

The original saints believed and taught that you MUST come clean with God in repentance BEFORE the Holy Spirit would indwell. No one was "saved in sin" nor did any early saint teach that man was Born in Sin. They understood that man possessed free and unhindered ability to obey God and DO what was right. Most of professing Christianity today is under a massive System of Error that has negated genuine repentance and substituted it with a wretched man profession that keeps them in slavery to their sin. The following articles are dedicated to exposing these errors and pulling down the strongholds so others may come to a knowledge of the truth and escape the snare of the devil before it's too late.

The Preparation of the heart belongs to man:
Proverbs 16:1

Biblically, it's simply “repentance”, clearing the heart of guile and pride in a season of godly sorrow, forsaking all known sin with sincerity, and sanctifying oneself from the world….Yes, it's that simple, being transformed from the old man of sin to the new man of righteousness in the baptism of repentance. That ye might sanctify and cleanse the heart and mind with the washing of water by the word and the renewing of the soul, receiving the New Testament empowerment (Grace) of the Holy Spirit, walking upright according to the Spirit thoroughly furnished unto good works!  Amazingly simple, Yes?

Blaming God!

Examining the Spirit of Error Within Churches Today

Dead Works in Dead Churches

The Fallacy of the Sinner’s Prayer

The False Premise

The Heart of the Matter!  (Does a person have to stop sinning to receive Jesus?)

The Hunger Within (Don't mistake Conviction for Conversion)

The Nature of Repentance

True Repentance

The Ruinous Doctrine of Entire Sanctification

What Is Sin?

When Does the Sin Stop?

When They Say Repent

Have All Sinned?
